What do you want to do? What do you want to study? What are you good at? What are your passions? How will you know? Do you need to know right now? Will college be your way to find out? Are you anxious about this? We explore all of these questions and more in our career and aptitude testing as we undertake our work together on our journey toward finding the right fit colleges and universities for your college and university application list. While some high school students have always had a passion to pursue a specific avenue of study, most are just beginning to consider who they are and what they might like to do with their lives by the time they begin to look toward their college experience. We have any number of tools to help point you in the right academic direction and ease the anxiety you may have toward feeling as though you should “have it all together” by now. We don’t expect you to. We have experience in this area and enjoy working with students to begin the exploration toward finding their academic and career pathways. And, for those students who remain unsure of their academic direction, we are also highly trained and skilled in administering educational testing or referring your student to self-testing instruments to assist them in beginning to focus on areas of interest and study.